
Prosecco, White Chocolate and Raspberry Truffles

For the truffles (makes about 30)

  • 350g white chocolate
  • 50ml double cream
  • 15g butter
  • 50ml Prosecco
  • 1 tbsp freeze dried raspberries


To decorate

  • 200g white chocolate
  • 1 tbsp freeze dried raspberries


Melt the white chocolate, double cream and butter in a bain-marie or microwave and stir until melted. Add in the Prosecco, then whisk with an electric mixer until the mixture is smooth.

Crush the freeze dried raspberries in a mortar and pestle, then stir through the truffle mix and chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours.

Once the mixture has set, spoon little balls of it onto a tray or plate (makes about 30). Roll into balls, then chill in the freezer.

When the truffles are really cold, melt the remaining white chocolate and crush the raspberries in preparation. Coat the truffles in the melted chocolate, place on a sheet of baking paper and sprinkle a few of the raspberry bits on top of each before they start to set. Chill in the fridge, and serve cold.

*Recipe from Cake, Craft & Decoration Magazine