La Zona Prosecco by Chrismont, King Valley, Victoria

La Zona Prosecco

I have been waiting for ages to write about this particular sparkling wine, because it is high up on the list of favourites for me. The winemakers of the King Valley in Victoria certainly know how to romance my taste buds, and Chrismont makes this stunning Prosecco that just never fails to please me.

It's fizzy, light, delicate and satisfying all at the same time. And whilst packaging and labels don't  affect the flavour of the wine, they've got the label design right as well. It's elegant and sophisticated, has tones of classical eras gone by, and yet somehow still modern...representing the La Zona Prosecco beautifully.

I had some guests over for what I like to call my "couch dinners". Instead of being too formal at the dining table and making people think they've come to a dinner party, this is food set up on a coffee table so all can kick back and relax on the couch, talk, drink, laugh and maybe take in a movie or whatever is on the box that night.

It casual setting, but that doesn’t mean lazy food. To go with Chrismont's La Zona Prosecco, I absolutely had to make some proper pasta – the hand made variety. And on this particular night I decided some silky pappardelle would be perfect. It's an old recipe, made with smashed up broccoli, garlic, anchovies and chilli as the "sauce" with a couple of other ingredients to top it off.

Needless to say it was a real hit, complimented the food perfectly as it just sings in unison with Parmigiano Reggiano we added. 

It’s the perfect pre-dinner drink, dinner drink and after dinner drink!

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